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Ithaca Week

Ithaca Week

Ithaca Week

ABOUT: Ithaca Unsheltered Podcast

Season One

Ithaca Unsheltered is a podcast created and produced by Ithaca College student journalists in Casey Musarra’s and Allison Frisch’s Investigative Journalism courses.

The students researched, conceptualized and reported the podcast over the course of the spring 2023 semester.

The first season includes segments on colleges and homelessness, substance use disorder, government response, housing options, LGBTQ+ and POC experiencing homelessness, women and youth experiencing homelessness.

Students also explored solutions meant to work together to alleviate and manage homelessness in Ithaca. The semester was a hands-on, student-led classroom newsroom.

When we began this project, we had no idea if the students could pull together a complete season of the podcast – we’d never done a podcast of this scale before. Their dedication and hard work speaks for itself.

We hope the students’ work contributes to the conversation — and community building work being done by unhoused individuals and advocates.

Thank you for listening.

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